You get to celebrate and heal

If you've just come out of a narcissistic-leaning relationship, know that you are a BADASS who deserves to be celebrated with a parade, fireworks and all the love, compassion and nurturing available. Congratulations - you get to move forward and heal!

And…it may not feel like it, because coming out of these relationships feels really hard and a lot. And…

You did it! 🎉💛

Now you get to heal. 💛

It won’t be easy - it’s emotional and crunchy as you unlearn the gaslighting and conditioning, process and grieve the truth of what was actually happening and rebuild your life in a different way.

And…you also get to take small steps back to yourself, relearn how to nurture and be compassionate toward yourself, celebrate who you are and where you are now and choose YOU without feeling selfish, unworthy or “wrong.”

When I was in the deep crunch of unlearning and healing it was tough. AND even though a lot of things felt hard and painful, as I healed, every day I felt stronger and more capable as I became more myself. Day by day I gained a different kind of inner strength and realized my superpowers were all the things I had been told were the “bad” or “annoying” parts of me. I stopped believing the lies and started believing myself as the magic curse wore off. And my own magic came forward as I realized who I really was. ✨💪🏼

You are resilient, strong and a total badass, too. Congratulations as you begin to move forward to an amazing, new life. You can do this.💛💪🏼✨

What’s one small thing you can do to celebrate YOU today?🎉

I compassionately support and celebrate women as they find their voice, their strength and their truth after leaving narcissistic-leaning relationships. Schedule a consultation session to learn more. The link is HERE


My love-hate relationship with the Artist’s Way


You are valuable